The weather forecast for Sunday in Philadelphia is for a foot of snow, and blizzard-like conditions which at least one of our local meteorologists insists on calling a "thundersnow." I hate this recently coined mash-up word with a passion, and think any TV weatherperson who uses it is an assjerk.
But I digress...
Anyway, electricity permitting, TV WORTH WATCHING will continue to serve. But Diane's computer already is in critical condition with unrelated problems, and she's up in Princeton facing the same lightningflakes. So if we go silent for a while, please understand -- and since I live on the highest, most treacherous hill in Cherry Hill, send a St. Bernard with a flask of brandy.
Or just the brandy.
Happy holidays. Good luck, all of you in the path of this winter storm. If you can, have some fun by going outside and building a thundersnowman...