The CW hasn’t yet cornered the market on appealing young women leading the way through comedy-dusted drama series.
Jane the Virgin, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and the newly imported Supergirl form a nice nucleus, though, while iZombie and Reign (both returning in midseason) are of a more serious bent while not getting all clenched up about it.

No Tomorrow, premiering on Tuesday, Oct. 4 (9 p.m ET) in tandem with The Flash, is more in the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend mode, but without any musical numbers. “Risk-averse” Evie Callahan (Tori Anderson top and right), stuck in a supervisor job at Cybermart Warehouse, stumbles across a bearded, seemingly carefree dude named Xavier Holliday (Joshua Sasse, top and below). The attraction is mutual, although he may well have a few loose wires upstairs. That is, unless you buy into his certitude that the world is ending in eight months, 12 days, courtesy of a crash-landing, giant asteroid.
Evie, who exclaims “Holy smokes!” on a too gimmicky regular basis, otherwise is flaming out with her nerdy boyfriend, Timothy (Jesse Rath), whose surprise marriage proposal comes just after Xavier intrigues her with his “Apocalyst” of things to do before the end. Might he be a crackpot? But who cares at first when the sex is so crazy good?
The supporting cast includes Evie’s co-workers, Hank and Kareema (Jonathan Langdon, Sarayu Blue), and yet another condescending, tyrannical boss who has the added disagreeable trait of horrible breath (Amy Pietz as Deirdre).

All of this blends together fairly well until several ludicrous situations down the homestretch. They involve a pogo stick, a surprise medical diagnosis and the arrival of an unexpected guest. “Holy smokes!” Evie says for a fourth time when she instead should be saying, “Holy what the hell is this crap you’re suddenly writing?”
Anderson is quite good in the lead role, though, and Sasse nicely upholds his half of the equation. But No Tomorrow decidedly is not a step-up from either Crazy Ex-Girlfriend or Jane the Virgin. Nor is it in the same league. The guess here is that its time could be up before Xavier’s end-of-the-world due date. So yeah, they’d better get that Apocalyst rockin’.
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