The Best Bets will continue daily, but I'm taking a few days from writing a blog because I just can't stand it any more. Not the blogging -- the mess. My basement office, and everything in it, desperately needs some attention...
When I launched TV WORTH WATCHING in November 2007, I posted a picture -- seen at left here -- of what my basement office looked like then. What you can't see in the photo are the 12 TV sets attached to various satellite and cable systems, or the shelves of old Movies Unlimited display cases filled with VHS and DVD offerings.
What you can see, though, is that it was a manageable environment.
No longer. Writing The Book saw to that.
The picture at the top of this blog is what my office looks like now. It's only the tip of a very messy iceberg -- for two years, every neat pile of research material turned into clumps of used references, and soon I couldn't even get to the desk without crab-walking, tiptoeing and sliding. Now the place looks like Pompeii after the volcano exploded, except instead of ash everywhere, there's just a mess.
My phone message banks are full, and haven't been emptied in months. My computer needs defragging, and so, I suspect, do I. And yet, at this moment, I'm still teaching full-time, and doing Fresh Air, and assembling video materials for use with publicity appearances for Dangerously Funny: The Uncensored Story of the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, which -- hint, hint -- comes out December 1.
So basically, I need to take a few days from blogging to focus on getting things back to normal. When I was writing the book, I called these rare but much-needed breaks "Smothers Days." I don't know what to call them now. Maybe you can tell me.
But keep coming back for the Best Bets, and smiling at the mess I have to clean up. Sigh...